AmigaOS3.5 (914/967)

From:Andreas Mixich
Date:28 May 2000 at 05:52:03
Subject:Basic needs not covered (Was: Datatypes)

>Message: 16 Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 02:34:56 -0400 From: "Marion E. Wyatt"
><> Subject: Datatypes (Was: Re: text.datatype)>

>available. Now a suggestion. Perhaps H&P/Amiga could get these datatypes
>added to the OS or work with this person to further enhance the datatypes
>system as needed. A similar project to these "DocDatatypes" was the
>HyperText Datatype System (HTDS) a couple years ago though it didn't go into
>all these "Doc" formats it did have HTML and other hypertext formats. There
>is also the MPEG video datatypes by another person.

There are a lot of datatypes, being developed by several persons. HTDS was
meant to be a basic class for hypertexts. It included a replacement of
AmigaGuide, that never could establish itself. Sadly, HTDS is not
seriously being developed anymore, and in parts quite unstable as well as
not really "tight-fit" (have a look at the man.datatype or try loading
Product-Info files with differing suffix from #?.pi) I liked the HTDS,
even beta-tested and registered it, when it was new. Something like this,
but (see below) expanded, would be nice to have.

> Many people are making or made datatypes to extend the datatypes system
>further. Now that we have official development it would great to get
>enhancements to the datatypes system into the OS with knowledgable people
>making this OS legal.... ie. to avoid conflicts with improvements and extra
>abilities. I know the author of aPDF expressed interest in a pdf.datatype,

I would like to see some rule for only *one* datatype development line
per datatype. I begin loosing overview ! There are so many jpeg/sound etc
datatypes flying around....This should be overtaken by the

>and one or more of the authors of the AVI/MOV players expressed interest in
>an avi.datatype. Some coordination to add these to the OS would make the OS

Problem might be licensing of the actual codecs, which is needed, since
many files rely on them.

>let's get them added to the OS in a clean official way.

I agree.

>I understand BB2 is primarily a super bugbox release and that is great and
>needed. For the next BoingBag perhaps enhancing and extending the
>datatypes system capabilities and included datatypes can be worked on.
>Datatypes is relatively recent addition to AmigaOS originating with 3.0 and
>I know it can be an even more powerful part of the OS structure.

One of the many things I am missing is a decent update to the OS.
Right now it seems only to be some graphical enhancements and adding
stuff, that most of us have anyways. Yes, it is nice, when I can throw
patches out, but still too many things are not supported, which are a
basic need:

aware (a nice hack in MCP))

a company like H&P/AmigaInc ? So the datatypes could be done...

ftp-,smtp-,nntp-,pop-,telnet-handler (and according devices: ftp:
This can _not_ be done with TCP: device, this way !
Most of the internet-protocolls I'd like to see implemented as device.

a modern approach to the xref-system (such as the xref1.1 from Aminet),
support for UNIX manuals (so you don't have to install ADE just to read
some MAN pages), HTML. This should be done by datatypes and all
documents should be indexed and crossreferenced, with an Amiga MAN
command as frontend. Using a nice xref-system all developer docs can be
nicley included.

looked so nice. I saw a screenshot once in a german Amiga Mag and it had
a compiler and a debugger and such.

nice API to support programmers writing databases. Something like a
database.library (mSQL or mySQL)
This would offer so much expandibility of the system ! It would be
possible for, say a web-browser, to store its hotlist entries there, a
mail-program could store its user-addresses there along with all
messages as well, it could be used for the document system mentioned
above, it could be used to catalog disk contents, address-book,
image-database, should be accessible from ARexx to enable quick
access from user written macros....

Good Bye, Andreas
